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Vet Online Consult has hand picked some essentials for a pet first aid box! Built by vet and vet nurse - you will find everything you need for a minor injury. 


These boxes are great to pack along when going on adventures or holidays, or just to keep in your cupboard! 


What you will find:

3 X Chlorhex irrigation wound cleaning solutions. 

3 X Sterile swab packs (5 per pack). 

1 X Melolin 10x10 
3 X Melolin 5x5

1 X Silk like tape. 

1 X 5cm vetwrap.

1 X 5cm Elastoplast.

1 X Betadine 25 ointment. 

1 X Scissors.

15 X Non sterile swabs. 

Pet First Aid Box

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